Thank you for considering us for your next event.
Hall Rental
Non-Member: $1500
Patio Rental
Non-Member: $700
Security Deposit $400
Includes 1 bartender, 1 security guard, and cleaning fee.
Extra bartenders (more than 100 guests) $150
Extra Security Guards (more than 80 guests) $150
Extra Charges
Keg Beer (Domestic) $300
Keg Beer (Imported) $350
Beer keg servings: 165 (12-oz cups)
Keg Soda $100
Disc Jockey (4 hours) $400
Karaoke (4 hours) $400
Maximum Capacity: 168
Decorating: No decorations of any kind on walls.
Please Contact:
Tim Barker: (714) 240-7958
Office: (714) 521-1179